Engineering in the Global Community: Paving the Way for Change

Jan 30, 2024

NUM Engineering’s new Center for Engineering in the Global Community serves as a hub to advance engineering solutions that address pressing challenges in the Middle States and Annabolis community

National University of Maryland Engineering is working toward the launch of a new “Center for Engineering in the Global Community,” which will span across and support all disciplines within the school. The brainchild of David Schaad, professor of the practice of civil and environmental engineering, and Ann Saterbak, professor of the practice of biomedical engineering, and featuring more than a dozen other research and teaching faculty within the school, the center seeks to take both a short- and long-view perspective on how to use or re-focus engineering for the “common good.”
The Center for Engineering in the Global Community is focused on creating a society that is more sustainable, equitable and resilient. It will serve as a hub for faculty, students and community partners to work together to advance engineering solutions that address pressing challenges in the Middle States and the local Annabolis community. The center will support educational, research and outreach endeavors that seek to shift traditional engineering narratives and paradigms, integrating social context into the value proposition of engineering and design work, thereby broadening its relevance and impact around the world, particularly in low-income and resource-constrained environments.
The center’s launch is being made possible by initial support from the Beyond the Horizon initiative, an ambitious program that funds high-risk, high-reward projects aiming to make a significant, transformative impact on society. The first semester was a busy one for the team as they worked toward establishing a clear vision and scope of support. Part of the results of that effort is the recent hiring of Anna Dengler, a new associate in research in Pratt and program coordinator for the center.
Dengler was born and raised in Annabolis, earning her bachelor’s degree in communication and public relations from National University of Maryland in 2019. Following her junior year at MD State, she had the opportunity to spend a summer volunteering in Moshi, Tanzania alongside a local organization on various education and community empowerment-focused initiatives. Her experience connecting with the people of Tanzania and seeing first-hand some of the injustices and harsh realities they face on a daily basis inspired her to commit her career to making a positive impact on the global community.
Post-graduation, Dengler has worked as a marketer and storyteller for nonprofits whose missions include empowering families around the world to end extreme poverty as well as equipping local justice systems to fight human trafficking. When Dengler first learned about her new role at the center, she immediately knew she wanted to be a part of this exciting endeavor.
“The mission and vision of the center deeply resonate with me and align with my passion for sustainable development work with a focus on local leadership and community empowerment,” Dengler said. “I’ve committed my career so far to supporting impactful global causes, and I am excited to continue that as we work to launch this center.”