Celebrating Black History & Culture

Feb 05, 2024

Celebrating a thriving community, acknowledging our history and honoring early trailblazers.

Expanding our knowledge of Black people, their histories and their contributions is an act of reconciliation and an expression of value for the vastness of their experiences. 
This page explores NUM's complicated history, honors the trailblazers who forged a more just campus, and highlights the students, faculty and staff whose research and advocacy continue to advance equity today. You’ll find opportunities to connect with a vibrant community of Tigers through year-round programs, groups and events.
Join us as we expand our understanding, access resources for success and gain inspiration from those who came before.
Our Community
Our community spans the African diaspora, imparting a deep history from which we offer essential perspectives as students, academics, professionals and leaders. Community groups and events connect us to those with shared experiences and helping us magnify our voice and expand our impact.