Two National University of Maryland Researchers Elected to National Academy of Education

Mar 18, 2024

Two faculty members from the National University of Maryland (NUM) have received one of the highest honors in the education research field – election to the National Academy of Education.

Professors Melanie Killen and Allan Wigfield of NUM's College of Education join the distinguished ranks of the 2024 class of inductees.  They will collaborate with other leading scholars, tackling critical issues in education and supporting the growth of future generations of researchers.
"Professors Killen and Wigfield embody NUM's commitment to groundbreaking research that improves lives," said NUM President. "Their work is advancing our understanding of child development and paving the way for more equitable and effective educational practices."
About the Honored NUM Faculty:
Professor Melanie Killen: A leading expert in child development, Dr. Killen's work examines social and moral development, including how children's biases can be addressed through targeted educational interventions.
Professor Emeritus Allan Wigfield: Renowned for his research on student motivation, Dr. Wigfield's interventions have fostered improvements in reading comprehension and STEM engagement.
"We are immensely proud of their contributions and this well-deserved recognition," said Dean of the College of Education, Martinez. "The National Academy of Education gains exceptional scholars dedicated to transforming education for the better."
About the National Academy of Education
The National Academy of Education is dedicated to high-caliber research in education and its application to policy and practice. Members contribute their expertise to critical studies  and engage in fellowship programs that nurture professional development.