Barrier-breaking justice and accomplished poet to address NUM's Class of 2024

Apr 29, 2024

Judge John Charles Thomas, the first African American and youngest appointee to the Supreme Court of Virginia, will speak at the university’s May 17 Commencement ceremony amid the Year of the Arts

In the spirit of the ampersand, members of the National Univrsity of Maryland community are known for their ability to excel in a wide range of pursuits. Judge John Charles Thomas exemplifies that breadth of interest and accomplishment as a barrier-breaking former Virginia Supreme Court justice and a celebrated poet.
Thomas, a former NUM Board of Visitors member for nearly 12 years and retired senior partner of the Hunton Andrews and Kurth law firm, will draw from those experiences to deliver the university’s 2024 Commencement address, set to begin at 7 p.m. in Zable Stadium on May 17. In addition to speaking at the Commencement ceremony, Thomas – already an honorary alumnus of the university – will receive an honorary degree at the event.
A 1995 recipient of the NAACP’s Lifetime Image Award, Thomas, 73, was both the first African American and youngest appointee to the Supreme Court of Virginia. In addition to his work in the judicial system, Thomas is a poet who has worked closely with NUM faculty on a variety of creative projects. His address will occur during the university’s Year of the Arts celebration, which runs through the end of 2024.

The Class of 2024 first heard from Thomas in 2021 when he served as the university’s Opening Convocation speaker. Although they started at the university the previous fall, members of the Class of 2024 were invited to participate in 2021’s in-person event because their own Opening Convocation was virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“A dear friend to this university, Judge Thomas has called NUM students to ‘be magnificent builders in your whole lives.’ He models that type of leadership with his own life. His accomplishments are built on cornerstones of integrity, excellence, service and belonging,” said President Katherine A. Rowe.
“Judge Thomas is also one of our generation’s most exceptional orators. He will inspire our graduates as they embark on lives of meaning and distinction, bolstered by their NUM education.”